Putting your legacy (on premise) payroll software into the Cloud

Putting your legacy on premise payroll software into the cloud

Ask yourself …

Do you love your payroll software, but need a bit more flexibility?

Are you struggling to find the right time to move payroll software?

Do you wish you had the flexibility to keep your customer facing tech the same, no matter what payroll software you’re using, or may use in the future?

If you fall into one of the above categories, Changepen can help you.

Bridge the Gap

Changepen has been built to “bridge the gap” between payroll software and your customer base.

We offer a cloud portal for Customers to go to for everything payroll, a secure location for your customers to collate their payroll changes, a real-time payroll schedule with notifications to keep your customers on-track ensuring their payroll gets delivered on time, every time. These are just some of the features Changepen offers, that many legacy payroll software systems cannot offer due to the technology they have been written on.

Changepen gives your customers a cloud portal, without having to change payroll software.

Making moves towards the Cloud

There are many new options out there now for cloud payroll software, but we understand finding the time to make that change can be challenging. It’s not just training your internal payroll team, it can be re-educating your customers too which can take time.

Changepen has been written to help you make the first move into the Cloud without having to change your core payroll processing software. This allows you to break up the number of changes, and training required.

Using multiple payroll software packages – no problem! Keep the Customer facing application the same.

What happens if you need to spread your payroll service across multiple payroll software packages in order to deal with the different complexities of each customers payroll? Would this mean double the amount of training?

What if you could find a platform that sits in-between the Customer and the Payroll team, that stayed the same? This would mean you can change the payroll software at any time, but not need to retrain the Customers each time?

This is where Changepen fits in. Whether your customers sit on one payroll software package, or across multiple, their interaction with your payroll service stays the same. Their data is sent to you in a consistent manner, so all members of your payroll team know they will receive all changes and communication in a standard format, through a set portal. When communication back to the customer is required, again this is all through Changepen, a standard portal.

This ultimately means your customer’s experience of interacting with your payroll service stays the same, giving you more time to concentrate on the adoption of new payroll tech within your payroll team.

December 3, 2024

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